July 25, 2009

Plans for the weekend

Today was my biweekly friday off and instead of sleeping in i got up at 6:45 and decided to be a little productive. It's likely that whoever reads this doesn't know me but lets just say..me getting up at 6:45 am on my day off? doesn't happen very often.
But anywho...by 8:30 i had laundry going and was outside mowing the lawn...i have this thing about my lawn..once i see a few patches of grass growing higher than the rest of the yard, i want to mow. Right now you are probably thinking "wow she must have a nice yard" uhmm..sure..far from it. My yard should look like this:

but instead it looks similar to this one:

After a shower i headed to Old Navy with my daughter, i got a $75 off $100 coupon yesterday and we ended up with a lot of good stuff.

Back home..cleaning..babysitting grandson, and tomorrow we are going back to the lake for some tubing and getting together with family and friends..Well that's all from here..anyone got anything exciting planned this weekend or any idea how i can perk up my lawn?

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